Top Questions Patients Ask About Dental Implants

dental implants

While most patients in Harrisonburg, VA are familiar with dentures, there are still lots of questions surrounding dental implants despite them having been used for decades. Dental implants are an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth as they restore oral health, function, and aesthetics. Despite all their advantages, there are many questions patients have, and rightfully so. Dental implants require an advanced level of surgery, which is much more complex than other tooth replacement options. So, understanding the treatment and finding the right doctor is paramount. We’ve come up with a few of the most common questions patients ask about dental implants:


  1. What Exactly is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are lifelike tooth replacement solutions that restore aesthetics, functionality, and overall health to the patient and their mouth. There are a wide range of implant options, which allows them to replace single, multiple, and even full arches of missing teeth. With proper care and routine dental appointments, many patients can see their implants lasting them for a lifetime.

  1. How Much do Implants Cost?

Initially, dental implants may seem more expensive than other tooth replacement options, like dentures or bridges. However, over the course of a lifetime, and considering their health benefits and stability, dental implants often end up being a cheaper option. The cost of dental implants is hard to determine without an in-person examination as many factors contribute. Each patient is unique and depending on their needs, wants, and goals, the cost of implants will be affected.

  1. Does Implant Surgery Hurt?

Dental implants do require an advanced surgery be performed to ensure they are firmly implanted into the jaw bone. However, doctors will offer sedation options to make this treatment easier. With sedation, discomfort can be blocked during surgery and patients are able to feel less anxious about their treatment overall. Many patients report feeling just a slight pressure at the site of implant surgery.

  1. How Long do Implants Last?

One of the greatest parts about dental implants is the fact that they can last a lifetime! Thanks to their integration with the jaw bone, implants are firmly held in place, just like a natural tooth. It is important to continually perform normal at-home hygiene habits to ensure that disease or infection does not develop. Implants themselves are resistant to bacteria, staining, and cavities, but other oral health structures are not!


Have More Questions?

Schedule a consultation today to discuss your questions and get started with dental implants! We invite you to meet our experienced and friendly doctors, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, in our office in Harrisonburg, VA!


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