What is a Dental Implant and What is it Used for?

dental implants patient eating

Dental implants are artificial teeth replacements that are used in prosthetic dentistry to support full arch and partial teeth restorations. Dental implants, post procedure, resemble a tooth or group of teeth. Dental implants are very commonly used to replace missing teeth and can be used either for health reasons or cosmetic purposes.


Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery is used to insert artificial teeth to create a new smile. The typical dental implant consists of a titanium screw with a roughened surface, and a ceramic crown to create the look and feel of the tooth itself.

There are various types of dental implants that can be used in this procedure, which allows for variety and the ability to make the right decision for them and their specific needs.

A single dental implant procedure involves an incision and implantation, which usually takes about an hour. Multiple implants can even be installed during a single procedure. This makes it very convenient for the patient because rather than having to come back several times to have all their implants installed, they can be completed at once.

Another important piece of information is that dental implants come in all different shapes, sizes and textures. This allows for customization for every patient, so you will need to work with your dentist in order to determine which dental implant is going to work best for you. If you have broken a tooth or would just like a different look to your smile, dental implants are a great option and may be the perfect choice for you.

If you are interested in the dental implant procedure, then there are a few things you are going to need to keep in mind. It is essential to learn as much as possible about what your options are. Once you feel like you know the basic information, schedule a consultation with your dentist. They will be able to fill you in and recommend what they believe will best suit you.


Dental implant surgery will be a sure thing to make you feel confident with your new, strong teeth. See your dentist with any further questions, so you can feel as prepared as need be.


Have More Questions?

Schedule a consultation today to discuss your questions and get started with dental implants! We invite you to meet our experienced and friendly doctors, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, in our office in Harrisonburg, VA!


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