Steps to Properly Care for Your Dental Implants

x-ray view of a dental implant

If you are ready to acquire dental implants, it is important to understand just how to effectively look after them when your treatment is concluded. Dental implants do not require special upkeep beyond your typical health routine, however there are extra actions dentists advise you can absorb your daily life. Knowing specifically just how to look after your dental implants and your smile can assist make sure the long life of your investment.

Brush and Floss Daily
Brushing and flossing your teeth every day is how you get rid of the bacterial plaque from your teeth. If dental health is neglected, plaque solidifies into tartar and releases dangerous toxins that lead to gum tissue disease. Specifically, when you have dental implants, not preserving great dental health can cause peri-implantitis, a problem like gum condition where microorganisms infect the periodontal cells and bone bordering a dental implant. Brush twice daily with a soft-bristle toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste and floss once daily to assist guarantee you don’t experience dental implant failure!

Eat a Nutritious Diet
Eating a healthy diet regimen assists offer your body and mouth with the nutrients to remain healthy, along with assisting boost your immune system. A healthy diet includes foods abundant in minerals and vitamins, proteins, fiber, and calcium, with minimal sugars, carbohydrates, and starches. Within your diet, it is advised that you additionally stay clear of tough and sticky foods so as not to hurt your dental implants. Though rare, there is always a danger your dental implant can become damaged when attacking and chewing these types of foods.

Minimize or Quit Smoking Cigarettes
Many scientific researches supply evidence for a link between cigarette smoking as well as a boosted danger for periodontal disease. Pure nicotine in cigarettes decreases blood circulation to the soft cells as well as deteriorates the immune system. This makes it harder for the body to heal after surgery and for the bone as well as implant to incorporate. Cigarette smoke can also burn tissues inside the mouth and block salivary glands, boosting the danger for dry mouth and the development of gum condition.

Schedule Your Consultation
If you have an interest in dental implants or are worried you might have peri-implantitis, get in touch with our office by scheduling your appointment.


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