The 3 Patients Who Benefit from Dental Implants

Patient With Dental Implant Model

Dental implants are considered the best tooth replacement option for most patients. Due to their strength and longevity, dental implants can provide function and health for decades when cared for properly. They also look and feel completely natural, providing you with a new smile that helps you feel confident and attractive. Certain patients will benefit from dental implants the most, including those who have:


Missing or decaying teeth

Most patients with missing or failing teeth are good candidates for dental implants. While the best candidates are those without underlying problems, such as gum disease or jawbone loss, an experienced dentist can treat these conditions before placing dental implants to ensure their long-term function. The best news is that dental implants can replace one, several, or all missing or failing teeth permanently!

Need dentures or have loose-fitting dentures

If you’re faced with the possibility of losing all your teeth, or you currently wear dentures, dental implants can benefit you. Many people choose to have their dentures reinforced with dental implants (implant supported dentures), making them more secure and durable for eating. Still another option is full mouth dental implants, which involves placing four or more dental implants in the jawbone and attaching a full set of natural-looking and strong teeth.

Broken or failing dental restoration

If you have a dental bridge or partial denture that is broken or causing other natural teeth to fail, you can replace them with dental implants. Because dental implants don’t need support from natural teeth, they are healthier and longer-lasting than other restorations. Dental implants, if properly cared for, don’t ever need to be replaced or refitted. They’re designed to be permanent, just like healthy natural teeth. Versatile by nature, both dental bridges and dentures can be secured to dental implants to restore biting and chewing power and natural aesthetics.


Schedule your appointment

Are you considering dental implants, but not sure if you’re a candidate? Schedule an appointment with our dentists, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, in our office in Harrisonburg, VA and learn how dental implants can boost your comfort and confidence.


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