Just How Much will that Dental Implant Cost?

patient smiling after dental implants procedure

Are you interested in getting a brand-new smile, but may be a bit hesitant about how much the procedure may impact your wallet?  If you are experiencing tooth loss, getting a new beautiful smile may have a great impact on your self-confidence and overall look, and price shouldn’t be a hindrance. While there are a number of ways to improve your smile, including crowns or bridges and dental implants, some are a better option than others. Our office can help guide you, but here are a few things to consider when making a decision on how to address missing teeth, getting a brand-new smile, and associated costs.


  • Crowns and bridges are less expensive option for a smile makeover however, they are not permanent and will need to be replaced on average between five and 15 years on average. This will become quite expensive over time.
  • Dental implants, however, are a lifetime solution. They are the more expensive option for a smile makeover however, this cost is typically paid upfront and only one time ­–– since dental implants are a permanent improvement to your smile.
  • Oral hygiene costs can add up. When teeth are missing, the teeth surrounding the gap will often shift and create an even larger gap where plaque and bacteria can grow, leading to cavities and tooth pain. You will need to visit your dentist more regularly to address this issue, and may even need to get a root canal if the cavities are left untreated, which adds to overall costs.
  • Additionally, if left untreated, tooth loss can lead to bone loss which will add to costs associated with getting a new smile.

Dental implants are a great way to improve your smile quickly and conveniently, while investing in a brand-new look. Our office will help you make the best decision for you that is cost-effective and customized just for you.


Why Wait?

Searching for the right dentist for your dental implant treatment may take time, but it’s an important step of the process. If you’re considering dental implants, we invite you to meet our experienced and friendly doctors, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, in our office in Harrisonburg, VASchedule your first consultation with us today.


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