Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt? Not With Affordable Dental Implants!

dental implant patient struggling with bills

If you have one or more missing teeth and you’ve been researching options to replace them, you may have been turned off by the upfront cost of dental implants. While the initial investment may be higher, there are many reasons why implants are the most cost-effective solution over time. The cost of implants is different for every patient, and a single implant’s cost can increase with different types of necessary treatments! Before you decide, we encourage you to discuss your specific dental implant cost with a dentist local to you in Harrisonburg, VA.


Why Implants Are Worth It

Many people opt for dentures because they are the less expensive treatment, but the reality is that implants are the more effective, comfortable solution with durability and longevity. When implants are placed correctly by a dental professional and regularly flossed, brushed and examined, they can last a lifetime. Dentures may need to be replaced regularly and require expensive creams and adhesives to keep them in place. Implants are rooted in the gums and don’t move at all once they are secure.

What Affects the Cost?

Every manufacturer is different, and it depends widely on the one your dentist chooses to use. Other factors that may involve the cost of the implant are:


Contact Us!

These are all factors that our doctors, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, will consider when determining the cost of your implants. If you are interested in learning more about implants and what the cost would be, contact our office in Harrisonburg, VA, and schedule a consultation today!


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