Dental Implants 101: All the Basics You Need To Know

dental patient smiling

You’re missing teeth. Are you considering dental implants to fill the gaps in your mouth? It’s no wonder why; implants are an increasingly popular solution for missing teeth! However, make sure you have access to the most accurate dental implant information! The best way to do this is to consult with a qualified dental professional near you. We listed some of the basics that any candidate considering dental implants in Harrisonburg, VA should know about receiving implants here!


Ensuring That You Are A Good Candidate

Implants are amazing for replacing your missing teeth, and they tend to last for decades or even longer if cared for properly! However, make sure you are a good candidate for the procedure. You need to have sufficient bone density in the jaw and you need be willing to go through the surgeries required for the placement of dental implants. A doctor can help determine if this treatment is right for you, or give you any alternatives that you may be able to take.

Evaluating Your Jawbone

The key to a successful dental implant procedure is osseointegration. This is when the dental implant post fuses with your jawbone. If you have been missing teeth for a while, it is possible your jawbone has started to degrade. If you suffer from bone-related conditions such as osteoporosis, this could also affect the success of your implants. A doctor can examine your jaw to see if it is dense enough to support an implant, and if it isn’t, consider the possibility of giving you a bone graft to make it so.

Dental Professional Experience Matters!

It is vital that a qualified dental professional is the one to place your implant! Although some businesses may try to lure patients in with low costs and cheaper materials, your best chance at a successful procedure is with a doctor properly trained in dental implant placement, using all the newest, modern technology available!


Contact Us To Schedule an Appointment

These are the very basics, but there is a lot of other information available for dental implants. When you are ready to learn more, contact our dental implant specialists, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, in our office in Harrisonburg, VA to schedule an appointment today!


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