How to Find the Right Dentist for Your Dental Implants

implant supported dentures patients eating

If you have lost or had teeth removed due to decay, disease, or injury, there is one tooth replacement option in Harrisonburg, VA that provides permanent benefits: dental implants. These artificial teeth are made from titanium and restored with life-like porcelain crowns, bridges, or full arches of teeth. Dental implants work just like natural tooth roots, so you can enjoy a healthy mouth, strong bite, and attractive new teeth—often for the rest of your life! To ensure these life-long benefits, you’ll want a dentist who is skilled and experienced in dental implant treatment. Here’s how you can find the right dentist for you:


Expertise in dental implant surgery

Choose a dentist with training and experience in dental implant surgery. While this may be your general dentist, you can certainly look for other doctors with higher degrees or more specialized surgical training. Choose a dentist who has completed many dental implant surgeries with success. A dentist with years of experience will help you feel confident undergoing surgery for a permanent solution.

Advanced training and certification

You’ll likely have much better surgical results if you choose a dentist with more advanced training or certifications. Board certification ensures the dentist has completed more rigorous training and testing. Affiliations with organizations like the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) often means a dentist continuously trains in the newest techniques and treatments in implant dentistry. In addition, look for a dentist who has invested in surgical technology to further ensure that your surgery is planned correctly, goes smoothly, and provides the best long-term results.

Patient reviews and ratings

Another great way to find the right dentist for your treatment is to talk with other patients or read their reviews. Part of the experience will be your interaction with the office staff and dentist, in addition to the actual procedures. Call the office or schedule a free consultation (if they’re offering) to get a feel for the office atmosphere. You can request before-and-after photos to see the quality of their treatment, too.


Schedule your appointment

Searching for the right dentist for your dental implant treatment may take time, but it’s an important step of the process. If you’re considering dental implants, we invite you to meet our experienced and friendly doctors, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, in our office in Harrisonburg, VASchedule your first appointment with us today.


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