What Are The Chances of Dental Implants Causing Gum Disease?

Dental Patient Needing Periodontal Treatment

Do you have missing teeth and are looking for a way to fill in any gaps so that you can smile big and wide again? Dental implants might be the right choice for you! Have you heard horror stories about dental implants being involved with gum disease and that has deterred you from wanting to get implants? Let’s take a look further to see what the causes of gum disease are. A dentist in Harrisonburg, VA might recommend alternatives if your gums aren’t health enough to support the dental implant. 


Gum Diseases: An Overview

Two of the most common gum diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a bacterial infection causing inflammation of the gums, which can turn into periodontitis if left untreated. A small space called a sulcus is the area where your gums attach to the bottom portion of your teeth. The space is large enough for food and plaque to get stuck in there causing an infection in your gums. If you do not get your gums checked or treated, gingivitis can cause a separation of the gums and the teeth, which can then cause injury to the bone supporting the tooth and soft tissue.

Dental implants cannot cause gum disease any more than natural tooth roots naturally do. In order to be considered for dental implants, your gumline needs to be healthy before a dentist in Harrisonburg, VA will examine you for the dental implant procedure. The first step in considering you for dental implants is an evaluation. A dentist will complete a full mouth examination to let you know if your teeth and gums are healthy enough and if you are a great candidate for dental implants. If not, a dentist will recommend alternative ways to fix the missing teeth that you have or to assist you with getting your gums healthy enough for dental implant surgery.


Interested In Learning More?

Are you tired of seeing spaces in your teeth or feeling like you still have something lodged in your teeth? Are you ready to get that big, beautiful smile again and regain your confidence? Call our doctors, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, in our office in Harrisonburg, VA today to schedule your consultation!


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