Replacing Teeth: What Option Should You Go With?

Tooth loss is a common occurrence among adults in the United States. In fact, by the time most Americans have reached age 50, they’ve probably already lost around 12 teeth. If any of your teeth have fallen out due to tooth decay, gum disease or injury, there are multiple treatment options available to you. If you’re having trouble deciding between dental implants, dentures or bridges, here are a few reasons you might want to choose implants.


  1. Permanence


Permanence is one of the top reasons patients cite for choosing implants over other tooth replacement options. If you follow a good oral hygiene routine and consistently take great care of your implants, they could potentially last the rest of your life. Keep in mind that improper placement can contribute to implant failure, so it’s important to have your implants placed by a skilled periodontist, for best long-term results.


  1. Bone Health


Whether you lose one tooth or many, the bone directly beneath the area affected by tooth loss starts to thin out and degrade. Receiving dental implants is the only way to keep the bone healthy and prevent it from losing mass over time. No other tooth replacement is inserted directly into the bone, so no other tooth replacement can promote bone health the way implants can.


  1. No Hassle


One of the most appealing benefits implants offer is lack of hassle from denture adhesives. Since implants essentially become part of your bone, there’s no need to worry about securing them in place with adhesive. You’ll also never have to worry about removing them daily to clean them. You’ll just need to clean them like you do your other teeth.


Consult With Our Periodontist


Drs. Steven Saunders and Victor Saunders are highly experienced in the placement of dental implants. To schedule your appointment with any of our respected periodontists, contact Shenandoah Valley Implant Institute during regular business hours.


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