Great Dental Implants with Less Waiting Time

If you have been living with the dissatisfaction of missing, broken, or cracked teeth then you have waited long enough to have them fixed.  Shenandoah Valley Implant Institute is here to offer same day teeth. This solution is ideal for many patients and offers faster satisfaction than many other treatment options. In other cases, patients may have to wait up to six weeks to receive their permanent crowns. With same-day treatment, you walk out of our office with a permanent tooth loss solution. There is no need to wait any longer!

A Better Way to Solve Tooth Loss  

Most dental implant systems require patients to wait several weeks between the time the posts are placed and the time the permanent crowns are installed; in the meantime patients have a set of temporary crowns. The hassle of arranging for two separate dental care appointments can be challenging for some patients; if you have been looking for a faster solution, same day teeth is the answer you have been looking for.

The same-day placement of permanent crowns is made possible by highly precise measurements taken by an advanced imaging system. This computer data is then sent to a fabrication machine that crafts the crowns while you wait.

There are many advantages to same-day treatment. For instance:

·         You do not have to wait to begin enjoying your new smile
·         Only one appointment is required
·         Less time is required for recovery and healing
·         Tooth loss is solved with a permanent solution

Although immediate load dental implants are a great treatment solution, they are not a perfect option for everyone. Some patients might benefit from another treatment option. Speaking with Dr. Saunders is the first step towards determining if same-day implants are right for you.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a periodontist specializing in same day teeth in Harrisonburg, VA.


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