Dental Implants: Osseointegration and Titanium Posts

Dental Implant

When it comes to tooth loss dental implants are the only tooth restoration option that’s is created to look and feel like your natural tooth and that is permanently installed into your mouth. Also, with the proper care dental implants have the ability to last a patient a lifetime. Dental Implants have also been proven to not only replace lost teeth, but to also help with bone growth. This is because when a tooth is missing the bone stops growing. Dental Implants provide support for bones using the osseointegration process bone growth. Review the information below to learn more about the osseointegration process done in Harrisonburg, VA.

The Osseointegration Process

  • Using X-rays your dentist determines the precise location and exact size of the implant you need
  • The location for the implant in your jawbone is chosen and then it’s placed using a titanium post
  • Over the next several months the bone will actually grow into the implant and into the jawbone

Also, because the dental implant eventually becomes an integrated part of your jawbone, it can unlike handle pressure and allow you to consume any kind of food you would like without dietary restrictions.

Why Titanium?
A big part of the resilience of dental implants has to do with the design of them. Dental implants are made out of titanium and this is partly because it has been recognized as the preferred metal of choice for dental implants because of its chemical makeup. Specifically, titanium does not contain any animal tissue or particles, and this greatly decreases the risk of your body rejecting the dental implant. Also, titanium does not have a history of reacting with other chemicals. In addition, the lightweight design and the durability of titanium make it easier to for the patient to get that natural tooth look and feel.

Schedule An Appointment
Why settle for missing teeth when dental implants are available as a tooth restoration option. Not only with dental implants provide you with tooth restoration, but they will also provide you with restoration of your confidence. If you’re interested in dental implants contact our dental office in Harrisonburg, VA to set up a consultation.


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