5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Dental Implant!

Dental Implant Patients Smiling Together

Many people suffer from tooth loss for one reason or another. Regardless of whether you lost a tooth to decay, disease, or an accident, we offer tooth replacement options such as dental implants in Harrisonburg, VA. Here are five reasons why dental implants are so valuable to replace missing teeth!


1. Minimal Maintenance

Dental implants are designed to maintain the dental health of your adjacent teeth. The fixed dental implant acts as an anchor for restorations, allowing you to eat almost any food without fear of it damaging your dental work. It also helps prevent periodontal disease and provides a stable foundation for your smile.

2. Prevents Dental Problems

When you lose a tooth, the surrounding teeth shift over time, leading to dental problems such as jaw pain and even earache. Replacing missing teeth with dental Implants can eliminate these effects because they effectively support the remaining natural teeth and bones in your mouth as a tooth would.

3. Effective Replacement Option

Dental implants cost more than other dental options, but dental implants are an effective long-term replacement option for missing teeth. Unlike dentures and other dental prosthetics that may be lost or damaged, dental implants do not need replacing. Once installed, they will retain their original condition with proper oral hygiene. If you consider the cost of dental implant surgery compared to the maintenance and aesthetics costs of dental bridges, dental crowns, and dentures, dental implants are a great value!

4. Restores Function

People tend to lose natural teeth as they age because it is common for older people to suffer from medical conditions that affect tooth loss, such as diabetes or gum disease. Dental implants restore normal chewing function, speech, and facial structure by replacing missing teeth with artificial alternatives.

5. Improves Outlook on Life

Even if you have lost only one tooth, it can still affect your quality of life. You may find yourself worrying about remaining conscious about your mouth during meals out in public or avoiding certain social settings because you are self-conscious about your dental appearance. When you have dental implants, you’ll be able to enjoy a more fulfilled life without worrying about your dental health!


Considering Dental Implants?

If you are tired of your smile and want to increase your self-confidence and love how you look, contact our doctors, Dr. Steven SaundersDr. Victor Saunders, and Dr. Bryan Saunders, in our office in Harrisonburg, VA, to schedule your appointment today!


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