LANAP: The Minimally Invasive Laser Gum Disease Treatment

gum disease treatment laser

Gum Disease better known as Periodontal disease is increasingly affecting a large portion of the population annually. However, thanks to advancements to major advancements within dentistry major advancements have emerged for gum disease treatment. One of these advancements has led to the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure also known as LANAP. This procedure allows gum disease to be treated using a minimally invasive laser which makes it easier for dental patients to receive pain free treatment. To learn more about LANAP laser treatments and exactly how it is beneficial to dental patients please refer to the points being made below.
Here are five benefits to LANAP® laser treatment:
1. Avoid Gum Recession

Gum recession is a major warning sign that you are beginning to develop gum disease. With this being said it’s highly important to be sure that you are being proactive about seeking treatment.

2. Recover Faster

Unlike traditional treatment methods the LANAP® laser treatment is minimally invasive, and this means less discomfort for the patient and a decrease in the amount of time it takes to heal.

3. Experience Less Pain

In the past traditional periodontal disease were thought of as painful because they involved the use of incisions and sutures. However, with the LANAP laser procedure the process is pain free.

4. Reduce Bleeding

Traditional gum disease treatments often can cause bleeding to your gums because they are sensitive. However, with LANAP the precise lasers help to minimize any chance of bleeding.

5. Enjoy Lasting Results

Advancements in technology have allowed the LANAP procedure to provide patients with long lasting results. Schedule your appointment with our doctor today for gum disease treatment.

Schedule Your LANAP Gum Disease Treatment
If you are in need of LANAP Gum Disease Treatment then please don’t hesitate to contact our office to schedule your treatmentOur doctors have the advanced technology as well as the experience to provide you with high quality gum disease treatment. Contact our office today!


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