Denture Solutions for Patients With Bone Loss From Periodontitis

Periodontitis can damage the bones around your teeth, leaving you with tooth loss or loose teeth that must be removed. If the disease is left untreated, the infection can spread to other healthy teeth.

While there are treatments available for bone loss due to periodontitis, learning that you have bone loss from gum disease can still be frustrating. You will need to have loose teeth removed if extreme bone loss has occurred, and you may need to manage the problem around your other teeth with deep cleaning treatments or surgery. Some dental implant procedures are not available to patients with bone loss from periodontitis, but you should know that there are options available for your teeth.

Implant Supported Dentures for Patients With Bone Loss

Fortunately, your bone loss may not prevent you from all dental implant procedures. The All-on-4™ technique may be able to help you replace missing teeth through the use of implants. All-on-4™ implant supported dentures can provide you with an improved look and better comfort for your mouth.

The All-on-4™ technique uses four implants to stabilize your dentures. This allows you to avoid a bone graft while enjoying a fast recovery time. The innovative technique has had a success rate of over 98 percent in the last decade.

All-on-4™ transforms your teeth with a specialized procedure:

• The four implants are placed in the areas of your mouth with the greatest bone density.
• Each implant is inserted at an angle that allows normal biting and chewing without loosening the implants.
• A temporary set of dentures are attached to the implants for immediate use.
• You will receive a new set of permanent dentures after three to six months of healing.

The technique comes with a low risk of complication and predictable long-term results. All-on-4™ maintenance is simple and easy, so it is a great option for your future care, comfort and appearance.

Learn More About Implant Supported Dentures

Dr. Steven Saunders are implant specialists who offer All-on-4™ in Harrisonburg, VA. Contact us to learn more about the technique and the many benefits it offers patients with bone loss due to periodontitis.


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