Are you a candidate for All-on-4®?

dental patient smiling after all on 4 dental implants

Do you have tooth loss? There is no doubt that this can affect your smile and even your confidence. Dental implants can help correct this issue. However, if there is any missing bone in your mouth, dental implants may not be long-lasting. Fortunately, there is a revolutionary procedure known as All-On-Four® dental implants that work to fix any tooth loss issue regardless of the amount of bone available. Our office can help you get a brand-new smile using this ground-breaking technique to enhance your look and curate a plan specifically for you, especially if you have tooth loss as you are a great candidate for the All-on-four procedure.


About the procedure

Typically, traditional dental implants require a good amount of bone to use as a foundation for implant placement. However, for patients experiencing bone loss for a number of reasons, this may not be the best option for them that is long-lasting. The All-On-Four dental procedure overcomes this issue by using as little as four dental implants to place a full arch of dental implants on a more efficient and sturdy foundation. Our office can combine the use of top-notch materials and skilled expertise to create a custom smile using the All-On-Four procedure. This procedure offers a number of convenience factors compared to traditional dental implants, including:

  • Minimized treatment time
  • Minimized healing time
  • Same-day smile transformation

Your dentist will initially execute an x-ray scan to specifically identify the best places your new dentures should be placed. This ensures that your treatment plan is personalized and made just for you. If you have complete tooth loss on the top or bottom of your mouth, the All-on-Four full arch dental implant procedure can help you achieve a brand-new look and smile.


Considering getting a brand-new smile and look?

Contact our office to get started and schedule a consultation to get a customized plan to create your brand new smile with this revolutionary procedure!


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