Is It Better to Get a Dental Bridge or Dental implants?

Dental Bridge

If you’ve lost a tooth or you’re about to, you may be wondering what the best solution is for replacing it in Harrisonburg, VA. You have multiple options, including a dental bridge and a dental implant. But which option is better? Your choice may depend on your aesthetic goals, functional needs, oral health situation, and even your budget. You and your dentist will be able to determine which option is right for you during a consultation.


Comparing dental bridges and dental implants

Dental Bridges were once the only solution for replacing a missing tooth, aside from a removable partial denture. These restorations are secure in place using the teeth on either side of the empty socket (abutment teeth). Though a more fixed option than a partial denture, dental bridges require that healthy teeth be drilled down and can sometimes lead to these teeth becoming decayed or infected over time. Dental bridges generally last between 5-15 years, depending on how well a person cares for them. Though a less expensive solution upfront than dental implants, they may end up costing you more if they need to be fixed or replaced multiple times throughout their lifetime.

Dental implants are the modern tooth replacement option due to their permanent natural function and appearance. One great benefit of dental implants is that they’re designed to only replace the tooth that was lost. They don’t require other teeth to be altered and are surgically inserted directly into the jawbone like a natural tooth root. This makes dental implants one of the healthiest and longest-lasting tooth replacement options available. With proper maintenance, dental implants can easily last the rest of your life. In addition to this superior level of stability and function, dental implants are custom-designed to look and feel like a natural tooth. No one will be able to tell which teeth are real and which one has been replaced!


Schedule your appointment

Unsure which tooth replacement option is right for you? If you’re considering dental implants, we invite you to meet our experienced and friendly Periodontal office in Harrisonburg, VA for a consultation! Schedule your first appointment with us today.


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