Embarrassed By Your Bad Breath?

Embarrassed By Your Bad Breath

Are you embarrassed by your bad breath? It’s a common fear most people have, that they are speaking to people with smelly breath, and there’s nothing more embarrassing than having to cover your mouth while you speak – or sneak a smell of your own breath, but what is causing it? There are many culprits to bad breath, you just need to figure out which is your cause. Going to your dentist is always an option, but here are some things to think about if you’re suffering.

One of the top candidates for causing stinky breath is oral health. Not brushing and floss your teeth regularly promotes poor oral hygiene. The reason brushing and flossing is so important is because it removes the bacteria and plaque from your mouth, which can cause the stench. Buildup of food debris and plaque can begin to smell after some time. This can also begin to trap food particles on your tonsils and tongue.

Another cause for bad breath is decay. Decay begins with poor oral health as well, but really takes place when the left-over food and debris begin to rot. When this occurs, your mouth and tongue will begin to give off an odor.

Dry mouth could also be a cause. When saliva isn’t producing as it should, your mouth begins to smell stale. Saliva helps clean your mouth, naturally, washing away food particles. When you do not have proper amounts of saliva forming, bad breath is likely to begin.

And finally, another runner up for causing bad breath would be diet. The statement, “you are what you eat” comes in handy here. High sugar diets or high protein, low carb diets are a protagonist for a foul odor. High sugar diets usually coincide with halitosis, which happens when sugar reacts with bad bacteria in the mouth. When your food properly metabolizes, you will have better smelling breath.

If you’re suffering from bad smelling breath, contact your doctor. They will be able to help you find the best solution for you as well as solve the problem on why it is occurring.


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