The Basic Benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants

When you have missing teeth and are looking for options to replace them, you can go with traditional dentures, or you can take advantage of new technology and opt for All-on-4 dental implants, which can restore anywhere from 60-80 percent of chewing function as opposed to the 10 percent offered by regular dentures. With All-on-4, four implants are placed in the lower or upper jaw, and a full arch of teeth will rest on those implants. Before you make your decision, Drs.Saunders wants you to have all the information about the benefits of this revolutionary option.

Immediate Improvement  

One of the main benefits is that you will notice an almost immediate improvement in not just your smile, but function and speech as well. Once the teeth are placed, there is marked improvement in the ability to chew all types of food.

Quick Treatment  

All-on-4 is a quick treatment, as the periodontist only has to install four implants to replace all your teeth. The surgery time is much shorter than other treatments, making it a safer option as well.

Missing Jawbone  

If the jawbone has deteriorated over the years because of your missing teeth, this is the perfect treatment option for you. With All-on-4, there is no need for extensive, expensive bone grafting procedures before implants are placed. This treatment works even on those with minimal jawbone.


This option is often more affordable than other tooth replacement options, as there is rarely any additional surgery required and the actual procedure itself is minimally invasive compared to other treatment options.

Give Us a Call  

Missing teeth do more than just wear on your self-confidence over time. They can also cause your jawbone to deteriorate and lose shape. All-on-4 implants are a valuable solution to a common problem. If you are considering this treatment and want to know what is right for you, contact us and schedule an appointment today!


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